Deze website is eigendom van Aafinlo bvba
Contactgegevens: Beervelde-Dorp 68A, 9080 Beervelde
Adres maatschappelijk zetel: Beervelde-Dorp 68A, 9080 Beervelde
Telefoon: +32 475 75 34 54
Ondernemingsnummer: BTW BE 0542.863.765
RPR: Gent
Door de toegang tot en het gebruik van de website verklaart u zich uitdrukkelijk akkoord met de volgende algemene voorwaarden.
Intellectuele eigendomsrechten
De inhoud van deze site, met inbegrip van de merken, logo’s, tekeningen, data, product- of bedrijfsnamen, teksten, beelden e.d. zijn beschermd door intellectuele rechten en behoren toe aan Aafinlo of rechthoudende derden.
Bepeperking van aansprakelijkheid
De informatie op de webstite is van algemene aard. De informatie is niet aangepast aan persoonlijke of specifieke omstandigheden, en kan dus niet als een persoonlijk, professioneel of juridisch advies aan de gebruiker worden beschouwd.
Aafinlo levert grote inspanningen opdat de ter beschikking gestelde informatie volledig, juist, nauwkeurig en bijgewerkt zou zijn. Ondanks deze inspanningen kunnen onjuistheden zich voordoen in de ter beschikking gestelde informatie. Indien de verstrekte informatie onjuistheden zou bevatten of indien bepaalde informatie op of via de site onbeschikbaar zou zijn, zal Aafinlo de grootst mogelijke inspanning leveren om dit zo snel mogelijk recht te zetten.
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De inhoud van de site (links inbegrepen) kan te allen tijde zonder aankondiging of kennisgeving aangepast, gewijzigd of aangevuld worden. Aafinlo geeft geen garanties voor de goede werking van de website en kan op geen enkele wijze aansprakelijk gehouden worden voor een slechte werking of tijdelijke (on)beschikbaarheid van de website of voor enige vorm van schade, rechtstreekse of onrechtstreekse, die zou voortvloeien uit de toegang tot of het gebruik van de website.
Aafinlo kan in geen geval tegenover wie dan ook, op directe of indirecte, bijzondere of andere wijze aansprakelijk worden gesteld voor schade te wijten aan het gebruik van deze site of van een andere, inzonderheid als gevolg van links of hyperlinks, met inbegrip, zonder beperking, van alle verliezen, werkonderbrekingen, beschadiging van programma’s of andere gegevens op het computersysteem, van apparatuur, programmatuur of andere van de gebruiker.
De website kan hyperlinks bevatten naar websites of pagina’s van derden, of daar onrechtstreeks naar verwijzen. Het plaatsen van links naar deze websites of pagina’s impliceert op geen enkele wijze een impliciete goedkeuring van de inhoud ervan.
Aafinlo verklaart uitdrukkelijk dat zij geen zeggenschap heeft over de inhoud of over andere kenmerken van deze websites en kan in geen geval aansprakelijk gehouden worden voor de inhoud of de kenmerken ervan of voor enige andere vorm van schade door het gebruik ervan.
Toepasselijk recht en bevoegde rechtbanken.
Het Belgisch recht is van toepassing op deze site. In geval van een geschil zijn enkel de rechtbanken van het arrondissement Gent bevoegd.
Aafinlo verwerkt persoonsgegevens overeenkomstig deze privacyverklaring. Voor verdere informatie, vragen of opmerkingen omtrent ons privacy beleid, kunt u terecht op
Aafinlo verzamelt en verwerkt de persoonsgegevens van klanten voor klanten- en orderbeheer (o.a. klantenadministratie, opvolgen van bestellingen/leveringen, facturatie, opvolgen van de solvabiliteit, profilering en het verzenden van marketing en gepersonaliseerde reclame).
Rechtsgrond(en) van de verwerking
Persoonsgegevens worden verwerkt op basis van artikel 6.1. (a) toestemming, (b) (noodzakelijk voor de uitvoering van een overeenkomst), (c) (noodzakelijk om te voldoen aan een wettelijke verplichting), (d) (noodzakelijk voor de behartiging van onze gerechtvaardigde belang om te ondernemen) van de Algemene Verordening Gegevensbescherming.
In zoverre de verwerking van de persoonsgegevens plaatsvindt op basis van artikel 6.1. a) (toestemming), heeft de klant steeds het recht om de gegeven toestemming terug in te trekken.
Overmaken aan derden
Indien dit noodzakelijk is ter verwezenlijking van de vooropgestelde doeleinden, zullen de persoonsgegevens van de klant worden gedeeld met andere vennootschappen (van de Aafinlo groep) binnen de Europese Economische Ruimte die rechtstreeks of onrechtstreeks met Aafinlo verbonden zijn of met enige andere partner van Aafinlo;
Aafinlo garandeert dat deze ontvangers de nodige technische en organisatorische maatregelen zullen nemen ter bescherming van de persoonsgegevens.
De persoonsgegevens verwerkt voor klantenbeheer zullen worden bewaard gedurende de termijn die noodzakelijk is om aan de wettelijke vereisten te voldoen (onder andere op het gebied van boekhouding).
Recht van inzage, verbetering, wissing, beperking, bezwaar en overdraagbaarheid van persoonsgegevens
De klant heeft te allen tijde recht op inzage van zijn persoonsgegevens en kan ze (laten) verbeteren indien ze onjuist of onvolledig zijn, ze laten verwijderen, de verwerking ervan laten beperken en bezwaar te maken tegen de verwerking van hem betreffende persoonsgegevens op basis van artikel 6.1 (e) of (f), met inbegrip van profilering op basis van die bepalingen.
Bovendien, heeft de klant het recht om een kopie (in een gestructureerde, gangbare en machinaal leesbare vorm) van zijn persoonsgegevens te bekomen en de persoonsgegevens te laten doorsturen naar een andere vennootschap.
Teneinde bovenvermelde rechten uit te oefenen, wordt de klant gevraagd om:
– zelf de instellingen van zijn klantenaccount aan te passen; en/of
– een e-mail te verzenden naar het volgende e-mailadres: [aan te vullen];
Direct marketing
De klant heeft het recht zich kosteloos te verzetten tegen elke verwerking van zijn persoonsgegevens met het oog op direct marketing.
De Klant beschikt over het recht om een klacht in te dienen bij de Commissie voor de Bescherming van de Persoonlijke Levenssfeer (Drukpersstraat 35, 1000 Brussel –
Het gebruik van “cookies”.
Tijdens een bezoek aan de site kunnen ‘cookies’ op de harde schijf van uw computer geplaatst worden. Een cookie is een tekstbestand dat door de server van een website in de browser van uw computer of op uw mobiel apparaat geplaatst wordt wanneer u een website raadpleegt. Cookies kunnen niet worden gebruikt om personen te identificeren, een cookie kan slechts een machine identificeren.
‘First party cookies’ zijn technische cookies die gebruikt worden door de bezochte site zelf en die tot doel hebben de site optimaal te laten functioneren. Voorbeeld: instellingen die de gebruiker bij de vorige bezoeken aan de site heeft gedaan, of nog : een vooraf ingevuld formulier met data dat de gebruiker tijdens vorige bezoeken heeft gedaan.
‘Third Party cookies’ zijn cookies die niet afkomstig zijn van de website zelf, maar wel van derden, bijvoorbeeld een aanwezige marketing of advertentieplug-in. Bijvoorbeeld cookies van Facebook of Google Analytics. Voor dergelijke cookies moet de bezoeker van de site eerst toestemming geven – dit kan gebeuren via een balk onderaan of bovenaan de website, met verwijzing naar deze policy, die het verder surfen op de website echter niet verhindert.)
U kan uw internetbrowser zodanig instellen dat cookies niet worden geaccepteerd,dat u een waarschuwing ontvangt wanneer een cookie geïnstalleerd wordt of dat de cookies nadien van uw harde schijf worden verwijderd. Dit kan u doen via de instellingen van uw browser (via de help-functie). Hou er hierbij wel rekening mee dat bepaalde grafische elementen niet correct kunnen verschijnen, of dat u bepaalde applicaties niet zal kunnen gebruiken.
Door gebruik te maken van onze website, gaat u akkoord met ons gebruik van cookies.
Google analytics
Deze website maakt gebruik van Google Analytics, een webanalyse-service die wordt aangeboden door Google Inc. (“Google”). Google Analytics maakt gebruik van “cookies” (tekstbestandjes die op Uw computer worden geplaatst) om de website te helpen analyseren hoe gebruikers de site gebruiken. De door het cookie gegenereerde informatie over Uw gebruik van de website (met inbegrip van Uw IP-adres) wordt overgebracht naar en door Google opgeslagen op servers in de Verenigde Staten. Google gebruikt deze informatie om bij te houden hoe u de website gebruikt, rapporten over de website-activiteit op te stellen voor website-exploitanten en andere diensten aan te bieden met betrekking tot website-activiteit en internetgebruik. Google mag deze informatie aan derden verschaffen indien Google hiertoe wettelijk wordt verplicht, of voor zover deze derden de informatie namens Google verwerken. Google zal Uw IP-adres niet combineren met andere gegevens waarover Google beschikt. U kunt het gebruik van cookies weigeren door in Uw browser de daarvoor geëigende instellingen te kiezen. Wij wijzen u er echter op dat u in dat geval wellicht niet alle mogelijkheden van deze website kunt benutten. Door gebruik te maken van deze website geeft u toestemming voor het verwerken van de informatie door Google op de wijze en voor de doeleinden zoals hiervoor omschreven.
Our privacy policy
At Aafinlo BV, we know you care about your personal privacy. In this Data Protection Policy (the “Policy”) we describe how we collect personal data from you and why we collect it, what we do with your personal data, with whom we share it, how we protect it, and the choices you can make about how we use your personal data.
This Policy applies to any of your personal data collected and used, or processed by or on behalf of Aafinlo BV, a company organized and existing under the laws of Belgium, with registered office at Beervelde-Dorp 68A, 9080 Beervelde, Belgium, registered with the legal entities register RPR (rechtspersonenregister) under number BE 0542.863.765, (hereinafter “Aafinlo”, “us” or “we”) in the framework of your use of our website (the “Website”), and the provision of our interim and project management services through which we seek to match your job preferences as a freelance candidate with interim and project management opportunities provided to us by our professional clients and subsequently enable a match with such client by concluding an agreement with you when a match is made for a specific position (collectively the “Services” or “Service”).
We act as a Data Controller and we are responsible for the Personal Data we Process.
This Policy can be complemented with specific privacy notices related to particular Services and which we will provide you with whenever we require your personal data (for example, via individual communication services, newsletters, reminders, surveys, offers, events, etc.) or publicly available information (for example social media).
Because of the nature of our business, our Services are not designed to appeal to minors. We do not knowingly attempt to solicit or receive any information from children.
At the end of this Policy (see section 17), you will find some definitions of certain key concepts used in this Policy and which are capitalised (for example, Personal Data, Processing, Data Controller…).
Aafinlo BV
Beervelde-Dorp 68A
9080 Beervelde
BE 0542.863.765
We have appointed a Data Protection Coordinator to handle your questions or requests relating to this Policy or your Personal Data (and the way we Process it). For all questions or requests about the collection, processing, use, correction, transfer, portability etc. of your Personal Data, You can contact Kristel, our Data Protection Coordinator, at
We value your Personal Data entrusted to us and we are committed to Processing your Personal Data in a fair, transparent and secure way. The key principles Aafinlo applies are as follows:
- Lawfulness: we will only collect your Personal Data in a fair, lawful and transparent manner.
- Data minimisation: we will limit the collection of your Personal Data to what is directly relevant and necessary for the purposes for which they have been collected.
- Purpose limitation: we will only collect your Personal Data for specified, explicit and legitimate purposes and not Process your Personal Data further in a way incompatible with those purposes.
- Accuracy: we will keep your Personal Data accurate and up to date.
- Data security and protection: we will implement appropriate technical and organisational measures to ensure an appropriate level of data security and protection in relation to, among others, the nature of your Personal Data to be protected. Such measures provide for the prevention of any unauthorised disclosure or access, accidental or unlawful destruction or accidental loss, or alteration and any other unlawful form of Processing.
- Access and rectification: we will Process your Personal Data in line with your legal rights, and allow you to access and rectify your Personal Data at any time.
- Retention limitation: we will retain your Personal Data in a manner consistent with the applicable data protection laws and regulations and no longer than is necessary for the purposes for which they have been collected.
- Safeguards towards third parties: we will ensure that access to and transfers of your Personal Data to third parties are carried out in accordance with applicable law and with suitable contractual safeguards.
- Lawfulness of direct marketing and cookies: when we send you promotional materials or place cookies on your computer, we will ensure that we do so in accordance with applicable law.
We collect your cv, preferences and availability in order to find the best matching freelance opportunity.
Please note that in accordance with applicable data protection law, your Personal Data can be Processed if:
- you have given us your consent for the purposes of the Processing; or
- it is necessary for the performance of an agreement to which you are a party; or
- when it is in our legitimate interest (see further description below); or;
- it is required by law.
We consider that we process your data based on a legitimate interest in case we have a business or commercial reason to use your information in conducting our business. In this case, we will always seek to balance your interest to the protection of your privacy and Personal Data with our business interest in order to not adversely impact your rights and freedoms. An example thereof is the collection of publicly available information of you via your profile on LinkedIn, and any subsequent contact or e-mails by Aafinlo to assess your interest in our Services.
The Aafinlo Services specifically collects information from you at several different points, including but not limited to the following:
Aafinlo primarily collects the information you provide us when you contact us via our website, send us an email, provide us with information via social media or when you provide us with your details during job fairs, networking events or during a personal interview or meeting, including:
- First name
- Last name
- Phone number
- Education history and professional qualifications, usually in the form of a curriculum vitae or CV, which may contain information on e.g. studies, work experience, job titles, job references, awards, skills, publications and other relevant professional information.
In order to adequately provide you with (one of) the Services, we may request you to provide us with additional information, such as:
- Contact details, including phone numbers and your address
- Personal interests and hobbies
- Current remuneration and other benefits as well as salary & benefits expectations
- Your job search preferences and expectations
We may subsequently inform you of interim and project management opportunities that match your search preferences and expectations via phone, email alert, or LinkedIn.
In case you accept an interim and project management opportunity presented to you by Aafinlo as part of the Services to you, we will request you for additional information before we can conclude an agreement for that specific position, including but not limited to:
- Bank account information
- Insurance information
- Additional information that may be requested by the final customer
Aafinlo will treat any information of you as a client or candidate as confidential and will not disclose it to any third party without your approval. We do not rent, sell or otherwise disclose personal information for activities that are not part of the Services.
If you are a professional client who seeks to fill (one or more) interim and project management opportunities in your organization and choose to work together with Aafinlo, we may Process information about individuals in your organisation to enable us to communicate with them and to provide our Services. Usually we Process the individual’s name and business contact data only.
If you correspond with us via e-mail, the postal service, or other form of communication, we may retain such correspondence and the information contained therein and use such to respond to your inquiry and/or notify you of Aafinlo news or other Service-related information. Importantly, e-mail and postal address information is never sold, given, or otherwise shared or disclosed to third parties except as set forth herein.
We may receive information about you from other sources than yourself, such as publicly available information on LinkedIn, or information from other professional contacts in our own professional network that we (may) have in common.
If you do not wish to make use of our Services, you can request us to delete your Personal Data in accordance with your data subject rights (see section 8 “What rights do you have in relation to your Personal Data”) by contacting our Data Protection Coordinator (see section 3 “Who can you contact in case you have questions or requests?”).
We collect information about our customers’ utilization and navigation of our Services, including via Google Analytics. This information helps us to design our Services to better suit your needs.
We may also use your IP address to help diagnose problems with our server and to administer our Services, analyse trends, track visitor movements, and gather broad demographic information that assists us in identifying visitor preferences.
We will only Process your Personal Data for specified, explicit and legitimate purposes and we will not Process your Personal Data further in a way that is incompatible with those purposes.
The main purpose for which we Process your Personal Data is the provision of our interim and project management services in order to match your job preferences with interim and project management opportunities provided by our professional clients and subsequently enable a match with such client by concluding an agreement with you when a match is made for a specific position.
Such purpose can also be the improvement of your visit on our Website, an update of our terms and conditions or this Policy, or other legitimate business purposes such as determining the success of our Services, keeping your information secure, marketing and communication, or complying with any contractual or legal obligations imposed upon Aafinlo.
In addition to the purposes as described in this Policy, we may communicate with you the purpose of each Processing of your Personal Data in the specific privacy notice, from time to time, relating to that particular Processing.
It is important for us to maintain accurate and up-to-date records of your Personal Data, in order to adequately provide you with our Services.
Please inform us of any changes to or errors in your Personal Data as soon as possible by contacting the Data Protection Coordinator (see section 3 “Who can you contact in case you have questions or requests?”.
We will take reasonable steps to make sure that any inaccurate or outdated Personal Data is deleted or adjusted accordingly.
You have the right to access your Personal Data which we are Processing at any time.
If your Personal Data is inaccurate or incomplete, you have the right to request the rectification or erasure of your Personal Data.
In addition, you have the right to object to the processing of your Personal Data when we process your Personal Data based on a legitimate interest, or when we process your Personal Data for direct marketing purposes. We will provide you at any time a way to exercise this right, for example by including an unsubscribe option in each marketing communication we send you.
You also have the right to data portability, which means we will provide you – or another Data Controller of your choosing – with a copy of all Personal Data we have collected about you.
If you require further information in relation to your privacy rights or would like to exercise any of these rights, please contact the Data Protection Coordinator (see section 3 “Who can you contact in case you have questions or requests?”).
We will send you a notification that we received your request within 5 business days. Please take into account that the timeframe for Aafinlo to respond to your above-mentioned request is 30 days. In case your request is complex, or in case you have multiple request, such timeframe may be exceeded, in which case we will inform you thereof before the end of the first 30 days.
Exercising your rights can be done free of charge, unless in case your request is unfounded or excessive.
We will keep your Personal Data in a manner consistent with applicable data protection law. We will only keep your Personal Data for as long as necessary to comply with the law or for the purposes for which we Process your Personal Data.
If you have not yet been in contact with us and we find your professional profile interesting, we may choose to store a limited amount of your personal data (“data minimization”) to the extent it is publicly available information (e.g. information provided by you on LinkedIn).
If you have been in contact with us in any way, your data will be stored up to 10 years after receiving your most recent CV. At the end of this period, you will be contacted again to decide whether you want to continue to be registered in our professional database.
We may be requested by law to keep certain Personal Data for contract liability, financial and tax reasons up to 7 years to 10 years from when you stop using our Services, even if you request the erasure of your Personal Data in accordance with your data subject rights (see section 8 “What rights do you have in relation to your Personal Data?”).
For information on how long certain Personal Data is likely to be kept before being removed from our systems and databases, please contact the Data Protection Coordinator (see section 3 “Who can you contact in case you have questions or requests?”).
We ensure that appropriate technical and organisational security measures are taken against unlawful or unauthorised access or use of your Personal Data, as well as against accidental loss or damage to the integrity of your Personal Data.
Your Personal Data will only be Processed by a third party Data Processor if that Data Processor agrees to comply with those technical and organisational data security measures.
We restrict access to your Personal Data to those persons who need to know that information to provide benefits or services to you.
Maintaining data security means guaranteeing the confidentiality, integrity and availability of your Personal Data:
(a) Confidentiality: we will protect your Personal Data from disclosure to third parties.
(b) Integrity: we will protect your Personal Data from being modified by unauthorised third parties.
(c) Availability: we will ensure that authorized parties are able to access your Personal Data when needed.
Cookies are pieces of data that a website transfers to a user’s hard drive for record-keeping purposes. The Website uses cookies to provide enhanced functionality on the Website and aggregate traffic data (e.g., what pages are the most popular).
Our process for delivering emails may cause cookies to be set, when you download images or when you click on a link. Our Website also captures limited information about visits to our Website; we may use this information to analyse general traffic patterns and to perform routine system maintenance. You have many choices with regards to the management of cookies on your computer. All major browsers allow you to block or delete cookies from your system. To learn more about your ability to manage cookies and web beacons, please consult the privacy features in your browser.
For the purposes for which we collect your Personal Data, we may disclose your Personal Data to the following categories of recipients:
- a) Authorised staff members of Aafinlo;
- b) Affiliates and subsidiary companies of Aafinlo;
- c) Professional clients of Aafinlo: trusted and established companies that are looking to fill interim and project management positions that match your job preferences, but only after you provided your permission to do so;
- d) Our advertising, marketing and promotional agencies: to help us deliver and analyse the effectiveness of our advertising campaigns and promotions;
- e) Service providers or business partners: companies that provide Services for or on behalf of Aafinlo. For example, Aafinlo may share your Personal Data with external providers of IT related services (for example, data storage facilities, hosting or web servers) or with payment solution services to enable us to pay you for interim and project management positions. We ask such companies to always act in compliance with applicable laws and this Policy and to pay high attention to the confidentiality of your personal information.
- f) Other parties when required by law or as necessary to protect Aafinlo: Aafinlo may share your Personal Data with other third parties:
- to comply with the law, regulatory requests, court orders, subpoena, or legal processes;
- to verify or enforce compliance with Aafinlo s policies and agreements; and
- to protect the rights, property or safety of Aafinlo and/or its customers;
- to verify your professional experience as described in your CV.
- g) Other parties in connection with corporate transactions: Aafinlo may share your Personal Data with other third parties in the context of a divestiture of all or a portion of its business, or otherwise in connection with a merger, consolidation, change in control, reorganisation or liquidation of all or part of Aafinlo’s business;
- h) Other parties with your consent or upon your instruction: Aafinlo may share your Personal Data with third parties when you consent to or request such sharing; and
- i) Any other third party communicated to you by Aafinlo prior to sharing your Personal Data with that third party.
Please be aware that third party recipients as referred to under points d) to i) above – especially service providers who may offer products and/or services to you via their own channels – may separately collect Personal Data from you. In such case, these third parties are solely responsible for the control of such Personal Data and your dealings with them will fall under their terms and conditions.
Aafinlo sometimes facilitates the publication of (personal) data via social media such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and others. These social media have their own terms of use which you need to take into account when active on social media.
Publication on social media may have certain consequences, including for your privacy or for the privacy of persons whose Personal Data you share, such as, for example, the impossibility to withdraw a publication within a short term. You are fully responsible for your publications. Aafinlo will not have any responsibility and liability in this regard.
The requirements of this Policy supplement, and do not replace, any other requirements existing under applicable data protection law. In case of contradiction between what is written in this Policy and requirements in applicable data protection law, applicable data protection law (i.e. as of 25 May 2018, the General Data Protection Regulation) will have priority.
By using (one of) the Services, you agree to the terms and conditions contained in this Policy and/or any other agreement that we might have with you.
You agree that any dispute over privacy or the terms contained in this Policy, or any other agreement we have with you, will be governed by the laws of Belgium. Any dispute related to this Policy or the Website will adjudicated exclusively by the courts of Gent, Belgium.
As our organization, customers and benefits change from time to time, this Policy is expected to change as well. We reserve the right to amend the Policy at any time, for any reason, without notice to you, other than the posting of the amended Policy on the Websites. We may e-mail periodic reminders of our notices and terms and conditions and will e-mail Aafinlo customers of material changes thereto, but you should check our Website frequently to see the current Policy that is in effect and any changes that may have been made to it. The provisions contained herein supersede all previous notices or statements regarding our privacy practices.
If you have any questions, issues or complaint concerning our Policy, or any concern about privacy at Aafinlo or the use of the Services in general, or to exercise your rights, such as your rights of access, rectification, restriction, portability…, within the context of this Policy, you may contact the Data Protection Coordinator (see section 3 “Who can you contact in case you have questions or requests?”).
In this Policy, the following terms have the following meanings:
(a) Data Controller means the organisation which determines the purposes for which, and the manner in which, your Personal Data is Processed. Concretely, the Data Controller(s) is Aafinlo BV.
(b) Data Processor means the person or organisation which Processes your Personal Data on behalf of the Data Controller.
(c) Data Protection Coordinator means the person appointed by Aafinlo to handle your questions and requests.
(d) Personal Data is any data relating to you directly or which allows your identification, such as, for example, your name, telephone number, email address, national ID number, home address, work experience, previous employers, etc.
(e) Processing / to Process / Processed means the collection, accessing and all forms of use of your Personal Data.
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Aafinlo bvba
Beervelde-Dorp 68A
9080 Beervelde
BE 0542 863 765
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